Combined Pediatric-Medical Genetics and Genomics

The Detroit Medical Center (DMC) and Wayne State University (WSU) offer a combined pediatrics and medical genetics and genomics four-year residency program. This integrated approach allows the resident eligibility to apply for the board-certifying examination in both pediatrics and clinical genetics at the completion of his/her training. The combined program permits the resident to complete both residencies in four years, one less than if the resident did separate residency programs. It also allows the trainee to utilize their pediatric and genetics training in an immediate integrated fashion.

The Children’s Hospital of Michigan is a freestanding children’s hospital with over 40 pediatric specialties and sub-specialties, situated in the heart of Midtown Detroit, an area that has undergone a remarkable urban renaissance. Pediatric training, as well as general genetics and metabolic genetics rotations, occur in this institution.

During medical genetics and genomics training, residents will complete rotations across a broad range of medical genetics services as required by the ACGME. Their rotations take place at Children’s Hospital of Michigan and other on-campus DMC hospitals, all only minutes away and connected by an underground tunnel system. Rotations in cancer genetics, general genetics, reproductive genetics, laboratory genetics, metabolic genetics, and pediatric genetics will provide the trainee opportunities to obtain a comprehensive and thorough genetics and genomics education.

The pediatric residency program and the genetics & genomics residency program are well-established training programs. Residents will experience pediatric and genetics rotations with both categorical and combined residents.

Program contacts:

Gerald “Jerry” Feldman, MD, PhD
Program Director, Medical Genetics and Genomics Residencies and Fellowship

Michelle Cichon, MS, CGC
Program Manager, Medical Genetics and Genomics Residencies and Fellowship

Wayne State University School of Medicine
Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics
540 E. Canfield
3311 Scott Hall
Detroit, MI 48201
Phone: 313-577-3982
Fax: 313-577-9137

Combined Pediatric-Medical Genetics and Genomics

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